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Richmond Youth Sports Camps January 4, 2008 |
On Saturday January 5th 2008 at Shields-Reid Park and Community Center, the first of a citywide series of “Richmond Youth Sports Camps” will be held. The idea of such an event was generated by genuinely concerned individuals and organizations currently working to effectively address street violence in the City of Richmond/N. Richmond.
Essentially, what we are attempting to do is to create a spirit of unity and create an energy and atmosphere of positive activity within each of the community/neighborhood host sites. These Camps are being sponsored by the City’s Office of Neighborhood Safety, City of Richmond Recreation Department, the Tri-City Ravens, The Richmond Steelers, Bay Area Peacekeepers, United Heritage Industries, RPAL-Richmond Police Activities League, Amer-I-Can, and Richmond Sol. Sports “mini-camps” workshops and other games will be offered with facilitated instruction. A free lunch will be provided!
Please forward the flyer and information on to others that you feel should be in the know about this OPPORTUNITY.
Saturday January 5th from 10am to 3pm At Shields-Reids Park 1410 Kelsey @ Gertrude Rain Or Shine!!!
Barbeque, Football, Soccer, Cheer Leading Chess, Checkers & Dominoes,
League info. Basketball sign-ups, Baseball sign-ups, Flag football games
& much more!! Special guest as
Best, db
DeVone L. Boggan Director City of Richmond Office of Neighborhood Safety 510.621.1219 |