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Ferries May End Up on Richmond Route December 21, 2007 |
SAN FRANCISCO2 new ferries on order for bay fleetFriday, December 21, 2007 The Bay Area Water Transit Authority ordered two ferries Thursday to bolster the regional water transit fleet. The public ferries each will carry up to 199 passengers and travel at a maximum of 25 knots, or almost 29 mph. The vessels will be built by Kvichak Marine Industries Inc. in Seattle. Together, the boats will cost $18.4 million in federal funds and regional bridge toll revenue. They are expected to be used first as spares for the Bay Area ferry system and later may be deployed on the proposed Berkeley or Richmond routes. Two other ferries are in production and will be used on the new South San Francisco route, which is scheduled to start operating in early 2009. http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/12/21/BAGR8U2PTN.DTL |