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Volunteers Needed Immediately on Richmond
Shoreline November 14, 2007 |
The following appeals came in by email in the last 24 hours from Lisa Viani: · Can anyone go help Nancy Powell at Vincent Park out on the Richmond shoreline? Volunteers are needed simply to keep people off of the beach while the oiled birds are resting. "Officials" are trying to catch the birds at night while they are less aware, but in the meantime, bicyclists and dog walkers are going under the yellow caution tape and disturbing the birds. Thanks for any help you can offer. We don't need a million people just a few, a team, maybe who can sit there all day until the sun goes down (take shifts?) and keep people away? Tom, could any Richmond police help?????? · Can anyone go help Nancy Powell at Vincent Park out on the Richmond shoreline? Volunteers are needed simply to keep people off of the beach while the oiled birds are resting. "Officials" are trying to catch the birds at night while they are less aware, but in the meantime, bicyclists and dog walkers are going under the yellow caution tape and disturbing the birds. Thanks for any help you can offer. We don't need a million people just a few, a team, maybe who can sit there all day until the sun goes down (take shifts?) and keep people away? BRING FOOD AND WATER. Tom, Mayor McLauaghlin, could any Richmond police help?????? PLEASE HELP US HELP THESE BIRDS!!!!!!!! · Can you help us? We need someone out there to close off the trail near Costco in Rchmond ASAP People are disturbing the birds, going beyond the tape, not staying on the trail and letting dogs chase oiled birds. We need help from Richmond Fire, PD, anyone NOW · I am a friend of Lisa Owens Viani. The Coast Guard claims to have boomed off the entrances to the marsh in time, but it happened too late and the booms are now containing spilled fuel in the marsh. As the fuel collects on the landward side of the booms during the outgoing tide, no one is there to suction off the fuel. In fact, no one is doing any organized clean up in the area that I can see, and bags of fuel that rag tag volunteers have collected are in piles by the side of the trail. The East Bay park service drives by, saying we need to sample them before they are collected. Do know if anything can be done to address clean up in the Richmond area ? · I have been out on the Richmond shoreline (bet. Pt. Isabel and Pt. Richmond) with a group of volunteers for the past four days. We are rescuing oiled birds and cleaning off off of the shore. There is NO ONE official out there to help us with the exception of ONE guy from the Oil Spill Response Network, and a Contra Costa HazMat team who helped us with equipment. They told us they weren't allowed to buy a boat, otherwise, they would have been able to put in a deep water boom. With those exceptions, there has been no Coast Guard, no one cleaning the shore except us. There have been a few Fish and Game and Coast Guard people show up, but they don't know where they are (literally). they had to ask us in order to get their GPS coordinates, and then they drive off. One of the parks district guys didn't know where Friendship Park was. Can you get us some real help, not just guys who stand around in uniform shooting the breeze? Why is Richmond always left for last? If we weren't out there, not one would be. We're happy to stop any time the "professionals" show up. Also, see the following: There is a volunteer
training opportunity to take place tonight - Wednesday - as a response
to the impact of the recent oil spill in the Bay Area. It would be good
to encourage all those interested to attend this training in San
Francisco tonight. Disaster Service
Worker Volunteer Certification
In addition, on this
Friday morning, Nov. 16, the Mayor will be opening up her office for a
meeting (at 10 a.m.) with those who have been trained and all interested
others. This will be an opportunity to regroup in order to address
Richmond shoreline volunteer clean-up efforts.
Mayor's Office 1401 Marina Way South Richmond, CA 94804 510-620-6503 |