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Richmond Seeks Developer for Miraflores

The City of Richmond will hold a presubmittal meeting and site tour for potential developers of the Miraflores site tomorrow, November 9, beginning at the City Council Chambers at 1:00 PM, followed by a site visit. Miraflores is a unique site that includes historic buildings, an active creek (Baxter Creek) and is adjacent to the Richmond Greenway with walking access to BART. If you know know any urban infill developers who may be interested in this opportunity, please forward this to them.


Click here for the entire RFP, and see Reminder of Miraflores Scoping, September 25, 2007, for more background.


For more information, contact:


Natalia Fanta Lawrence

Development Project Manager II

Community and Economic Development Department

City of Richmond

1401 Marina Way South

Richmond, CA 94804

510 307-8180
