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Saturday Strolls on the Greenway

Friends of the Richmond Greenway (FORG) are inviting everyone to a weekly Greenway Stroll on Saturdays at 9:30 AM beginning November 10. Meet at the western end of the Greenway at 2nd Street, just north of Ohio, and walk east along the Greenway and back with friends, neighbors and nice folks.


You can walk for exercise, peace, to meet your neighbors, end violence or just to enjoy yourselves. Bicycle riders and joggers are welcome


The first Saturday Stroll on the Richmond Greenway coincides with the Berryland workday. FORG Saturday Strollers will meet at 9:30 at 2nd Street, walk the length of the Greenway and back. Saturday Strollers will finish up at Berryland for some foodshed development (ie-shovelling soil and woodchips) and refreshments. Thank you for the support, FORGers, and to Opportunity West for providing refreshments.


Please join the 5% Local Coalition for the November Foodshed Development Day on Saturday, November 10th from 9:30 to 12:30 as we work together to build a local food system. We will be continuing work on Berryland on the Richmond Greenway between 6th and 7th Streets near Lincoln Elementary in the Iron Triangle. The Richmond Greenway parallels Ohio and Chanslor Streets.


Berryland is just starting to take shape. A couple of years from now Berryland will be a delicious attraction for both children and adults showcasing more than 30 varieties of edible berry bushes. Berryland will help develop a love of fresh produce among the neighborhood children and be a free source of berry starts for the growing backyard and community gardening movement in West Contra Costa County.




On November 10th, we hope to build and fill 4 new planters. We will also plant raspberry bushes in the existing planters. We will work from 9:30 to about 12:30. At about 10:30, Greenway Saturday Strollers with the Friends of the Richmond Greenway will join us for some work and refreshments. If we finish early at Berryland or have enough volunteers, there is also plenty of mulching and soil-moving to be done just across the street at the Lincoln Farm.




-a hat

-your friends, family, and neighbors

-wheelbarrow (if it's easy for you...we'll have several, but we may have an influx of 20-30 volunteers from the Friends of the Richmond Greenway walking group, so the more wheelbarrows, the better)



-berry bushes (anything EXCEPT the invasive Himalayan blackberry)



Please email park@urbantilth if you plan to attend, have money or materials you wish to donate for the Berryland project, or have other questions or concerns. You may also call me at (510) 691-5051.


FALL '07 BERRYLAND WORKDAYS: 12/8 (the second Saturday of each month).


CAN'T GET ENOUGH FOODSHED DEVELOPMENT?: Saturday, November 3rd, Dover Elementary is having their fall garden work day and could use your help. Please contact Paula Kristovich <pkristovich@gmail.com> for more details.




Park Guthrie

(510) 691-5051


Urban Tilth cultivates urban agriculture in West Contra Costa County to help our community build a more sustainable, healthy, and just food system. We work with schools, community-based organizations, government agencies, businesses, and individuals to develop the capacity to produce 5% of our own food supply. Learn more at http://5percentlocal.blogspot.com.