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Date Correction for Community Discussion on
the Health Impacts of Train and Truck Traffic September 25, 2007 |
The workshop is actually on this Wednesday, September 26th. For more information, contact Eli Moore, Program Associate, Community Strategies for Sustainability and Justice, The Pacific Institute, 510.251.1600 (ext. 123), emoore@pacinst.org, http://www.pacinst.org/topics/community_strategies/.
On Tuesday, September 25, there will be a community workshop to discuss the health consequences of train and truck traffic in West Contra Costa. See details below from West County Times:
COMMUNITY DIGEST Richmond Contra Costa Times Article Launched: 09/21/2007 03:08:22 AM PDT
WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS TRAIN, TRUCK TRAFFIC: Residents and workers concerned about the health consequences of train and truck traffic in West Contra Costa are invited to a workshop from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Hazel Hall in the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, 360 Harbour Way South. "Many people in West County are concerned about air quality in their community, and trains and diesel trucks combine for a lot of emissions in the air," said Dr. Henry Clark, executive director of the West County Toxics Coalition, which is partnering with Contra Costa Health Services and Neighborhood House of North Richmond to host the workshop. The three entities call their partnership Solutions for West County Land Use and Environmental Justice. The workshop is being facilitated by the Pacific Institute, a nonpartisan Oakland-based think tank studying land development, environment and security issues. "Besides air quality, residents of some communities express frustration about the impact of trains on traffic in their neighborhood because of long waits at rail crossings," said Catalina Garzón, a Pacific Institute research associate. "We're planning a brainstorming session to devise solutions to these and other concerns." For details about the workshop, call Garzón at 510-251-1600, Ext. 104. n Chris Treadway |