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Author Emily Yellin of "Our Mothers' War"
Tapped for Home Front Festival Keynote Speaker August 17, 2007 |
Emily Yellin, author of the critically acclaimed Our Mothers’ War, has been selected as the keynote speaker for the Rosie the Riveter Trust fundraiser gala that will kick off the Home Front Festival-by-the-Bay on the evening of September 28th. You need to be there! Your business needs to be represented at the formal opening of Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front National Historical Park!
The event It will be held at the edge of the Bay in the dramatic, glass-enclosed Craneway of the historic waterfront Ford Assembly Building, where tanks were outfitted for World War II. “Think Big" — a Kaiser Exhibit,” will be on display for the first time in Richmond. This is the first event ever to be held in the restored craneway!
If you or your business would like to attend the gala dinner and help support Rosie the Riveter Trust, contact the following for tickets or table sponsorships for “Launching of Rosie the Riveter” at the future site of the National Park Service’s Visitor Education Center by being a sponsor. Your generosity will be recognized in the program.
· Rosie the Riveter: $5,000 table of 10 · Rosie the Welder: $3,000 seats for 6 · Rosie the Electrician: $2,000 seats for 4 · Rosie the Pipe Fitter: $1000 seats for 2
Individual Seats are $150 (These are not sponsor level and are not acknowledged in the program). For acknowledgement purposes, we ask that potential sponsors respond by August 17th. Contact:
Jane Bartke Launching of Rosie the Riveter Event Co-Chair 510.235.1315
Our Mothers’ War is Emily Yellin’s first book. She has been a longtime contributor to The New York Times. Her work has also appeared in Time, Newsweek, The International Herald Tribune and other publications. In 2004, she contributed the chapter about women to the WWII Memorial commemorative book, The World War II Memorial: A Grateful Nation Remembers. Born in White Plains, New York, Emily Yellin grew up in Memphis, Tennessee. She received a B.A. in English literature from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, and an M.S. in journalism from Northwestern University. In the mid-1990s, she taught journalism at The University of Memphis. She has also lived in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and London, but currently lives in Memphis, with her dog Sophie Yellin.
Eloquent and eye-opening, this ground-breaking book is the first to give full voice to the wide array of real women behind the stock female images of World War II. From Wonder Woman to Rosie the Riveter, and the everyday heroes, and even a few villains, in between -- these are not your father’s war stories.