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City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week
Ending June 29th, 2007 July 3, 2007 |
Mayor and Councilmembers:
This is the weekly report for the week ending June 29th, 2007.
1. Presentation of Community Survey Results to Employees
This past week, Management Analyst LaShonda Wilson and I held four separate meetings, reaching all non-safety day shift employees of the City, to review the results of the recently completed community survey. (One of the meetings was taped by KCRT so that, eventually, all employees will be able to hear the presentation.) LaShonda did an excellent job presenting the results of the survey, including perceptions of Richmond residents regarding City services. The employees that attended the meetings seem to acknowledge that the survey results are a strong statement that we need to change many of the ways in which we do business, and do a more effective job to improve the quality of life for Richmond residents.
This set of meetings represents the first step in a program that we are launching in July to involve employees in a concerted effort to improve City services. In particular, we have engaged a facilitator that will meet with employees in a series of focus groups to discuss their perceptions of the community survey, obstacles to providing quality service, and ideas for positive change in our services delivery. This will be the first phase of a sustained, employee-involved effort in this regard. We will keep you informed as we progress.
2. Fireworks Show
The City of Richmond will hold its annual 3rd of July Fireworks Show, at Richmond Marina Bay Park, Regatta and Melville Square. Activities and entertainment begin at 6 p.m., and the fireworks show begins at 9 p.m. This is a free family event (food and some activities are additional fees). For additional information, please call (510) 620-6793.
3. COR Steppers Walking Program
Congratulations to the over 100 employees that joined and completed the City of Richmond’s first COR Steppers Walking Program! The COR Steppers Walking Program was designed by the Human Resources Management Department to encourage employees to take the first “steps” to a more fit and healthy lifestyle. Each employee was issued a pedometer and walking log to track the number of steps they did each day for a four week period. Weekly stepping goals were set and the participants met each week to exchange ideas, share experiences and to receive encouragement. Several employee walking groups throughout City Hall were created and many employees permanently incorporated healthy habits in their lives as a result of the program. The COR Steppers walking program will be an annual event that will be kicked off at the Employee Health and Wellness Fair.
4. Civic Center Project Update
The seismic retrofit work for the City Hall at 2600 Barrett was completed on time and the State of California has approved the work and the grant in the amount of $1,149,975. This funding will become part of the City’s equity funding for Phase 1 of the project. Also, the work under Phase 1A is substantially complete on time and within the approximate $12,000,000 budget. Minor clean-up work is currently being completed as the development team gears up for Phase 1B. Phase 1B will get underway upon funding of the Redevelopment Agency Bond, which is scheduled for July 12th. The final piece of the Phase 1B funding, the City bond, is scheduled to close around August 20th. Completion and occupancy is scheduled for spring 2009.
5. Traffic Signal Knockdown at Cutting & Carlson
On the afternoon of June 15th, 2007 the traffic signal located on the northwest corner of the intersection at Carlson & Cutting Boulevards was hit by a large truck destroying the signal and rendering the concrete signal footing unusable.
Under normal circumstances, this situation would have required a lengthy involved process to acquire the necessary materials, construct a new concrete footing to support the signals, assemble, wire and to then test the new components, as a system.
As this intersection is located at an interface of high volume vehicle and high speed rail traffic, these circumstances raised major safety concerns and required that every effort to restore normal operation as quickly as possible be made. With this in mind, and with some prompt and competent support from the City’s Engineering division, the City’s Electric shop expedited getting the materials on site and the fast tracking of construction for the new concrete signal footing. The installation, wiring, adjustment and testing was completed early Friday evening soon after the supplier delivered the pole/arm assembly. These efforts limited the intersection down time to an impressive one week period.
6. Safe Route to School Grant Application Approved
The City received notification from the State’s Business, Transportation and Housing Agency that our Safe Route to School application in the amount of $412,167 was approved. Our application covered the installation of raised medians, in-roadway warning lights and the upgrading of crosswalks and pavement markings. The four schools that will receive these improvements are Ford, Grant, King and Lincoln Elementary schools.
7. FY2007-08 Operating and Capital Improvement Plan Budgets
The FY2007-08 Operating and Capital Improvement Plan Budgets were adopted by Council on Tuesday, June 26, 2007. The total operating budget is $282.4 million and CIP $203.9 million. The budget is performance-based and includes four core strategic goals: maintain and enhance the physical environment; promote a safe and secure community; promote economic vitality; and promote effective government. Both documents can be viewed on the City’s website.
8. RDA Tax Allocation Bonds, 2007 Series A Pricing Results
On Tuesday, June 26, Steve Duran, Redevelopment Agency Director; James Goins, Finance Director; and Susan Segovia, Debt Analyst, in conjunction with BondLogistix (Swap Advisor); Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe (Bond Counsel); and Tamalpais Advisors (Financial Advisor) participated in a pricing call with The Royal Bank of Canada, to set the interest swap rate for $65 million in Redevelopment Bonds. By entering into the swap agreement with The Royal Bank of Canada on these bonds, the Agency received an excellent interest rate of 3.99%.
9. Community Peace and Sports Jamboree
The City of Richmond, Mayor’s Office, Recreation Department, Richmond Improvement Association, the Laurel Park Neighborhood Council, and Athletes United for Peace, will be conducting the Community Peace and Sports Jamboree at the Booker T. Anderson Community Center on Saturday, June 30, 2007, from noon to 5:00 p.m. to create and promote a Culture of Peace in the City of Richmond, California.
The theme of the event “Creating a Culture of Peace in Richmond” was conceptualized by the group to serve as the launching for the reopening of the City of Richmond’s community center facilities. The activities will include: a community BBQ, live musical entertainment, kids fun activities, 3 on 3 youth basketball tournament, tennis fundamentals clinic, the Richmond Steelers football skills combine, a martial arts clinic, 35 & over basketball league games, screening of the popular Tournament of Champions (TOC) documentary film, and a special peace ceremony that will honor Richmond’s world championship athletes. The ceremony will also include the presentation of a proclamation from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) by Athletes United for Peace to the City of Richmond as part of the activities of the UN’s Decade for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for Children of the World (2001-2010).
Have a happy and safe July 4th
Leslie T. Knight Assistant City Manager/Human Resources Management Director City of Richmond Human Resources Management Department 1401 Marina Way South Richmond, CA 94804
(510) 620-6600 – tel. (510) 620-6560 – fax Leslie_Knight@ci.richmond.ca.us – email
Submitted by: Lisa Carter, Administrative Secretary for Leslie T. Knight, Assistant City Manager/HRM Director HRM Department (510) 620-6600 – direct |