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City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week
Ending June 21st, 2007 June 22, 2007 |
Mayor and Councilmembers:
This is the weekly report for the week ending June 21st, 2007.
1. Meeting Notes
The next City Council meeting will be on Tuesday, June 26th. It will begin with a Closed Session at 8:30 AM, to be followed by a continued Study Session on the proposed operating and capital improvement budgets. The meeting will reconvene with an additional Closed Session at 6:00 PM, followed by Redevelopment and Housing Authority meetings. The regular City Council meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:00 PM.
Note for planning purposes that there will be no City Council meeting on July 3rd due to the fireworks celebration. At a minimum, we are planning to schedule City Council meetings on July 10th, 17th, and 31st, prior to the August Council hiatus.
2. Point Molate Update
In the past year, Janet Schneider, Administrative Chief has attended numerous meetings involving various combinations of the City, Navy, State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board and Upstream Point Molate, LLC. In June 2006, the City submitted to the Navy a term sheet for the proposed Environmental Services Cooperative Agreement (“ESCA”). Until recently, discussions regarding this Agreement and the environmental clean up standards for Site 3 were not productive. As a result of assistance that was requested from Congressman Miller’s office, negotiations between the City and the Navy are now resuming in earnest.
Attached to this report item is a letter recently received by Ms. Schneider that summarizes the agreement made to:
1) Conduct one last study of Site 3, the results of which will determine the scope of the remediation method and the costs to do so, 2) Commit the Navy to reviewing the City’s proposed remediation cost proposal submitted a year ago for the remaining 4 parcels, consisting of 41 acres, left to be transferred, and 3) Conduct negotiations on a Navy prepared draft of an Early Transfer Cooperative Agreement with a commitment to meetings throughout the summer to finalize it.
Finally, according to Jim Levine of Upstream, the long awaited EIS for the project is scheduled to be out for review in September.
3. Upcoming Street Pavement Work – 23rd Street
As you have undoubtedly observed, 23rd Street is in dire need of paving treatment. In the 2006 pavement management contract, 23rd Street was scheduled to receive an overlay from Rheem Avenue to Roosevelt Avenue and from Ohio Avenue to Cutting Boulevard. This week, staff had to inform the contractor, Bay Cities Paving and Grading, to eliminate 23rd Street from their paving schedule due to a sanitary sewer main line issue. The main line in these two sections of 23rd Street needs to be either upgraded or repaired because of an extensive history of back ups and claims in these two areas. Veolia Water was previously informed of the City’s paving schedule but was unable to supply the City with the necessary information required to design the repair in a timely manner. As a result, the City Engineer has directed that the contractor hold off paving this street until after the sewer line is repaired so that we do not cut new pavement. We have elected to add to Bay Cities’ paving schedule the overlay of Rheem Avenue from 13th Street to 23rd Street in place of the planned paving on 23rd Street.
Remember that you can get a list of streets that are scheduled to receive paving treatments on the City’s web site under the title 2006 Pavement Rehabilitation Project:
4. Richmond BUILD Graduates Its First Class
Twenty-one Richmond residents graduated from the first class of the Richmond BUILD Pre-Apprenticeship Construction Skills Training program that was sponsored by Richmond’s Employment and Training Department. This first graduating class is made up of 7 females and 14 males. During the program, students received hands-on training with using power tools, framing, installing sheetrock, roofing, installing windows & doors, painting and basic electrical. Eight students have confirmed job offers with various companies with salaries ranging from $15 to $22 an hour, and five of the confirmed job offers are with either the Laborer’s or Carpenter’s unions. The remaining students are being actively sought after and should have confirmed job offers within the next few weeks.
Channel 2 KTVU covered the on-site recruitment that was attended by various employers and union members of the Building Trades. The news clip can be viewed at:
5. Summer Youth Employment Program
Over 350 Richmond youth are prepared to begin their summer jobs through the City’s Summer Youth Employment Program on June 25, 2007. The Employment and Training Department (E&T) is holding a Youth/Parent orientation on Saturday, June 23, 2007 starting at 9:30 at Lovonya DeJean Middle School gym and they expect over 500 people to attend.
In addition to the City’s contribution of $300,000 to this program, E&T has raised $140,000 in contributions from local companies for a total of $440,000 for this year’s program.
6. RichmondWORKS is Hosting a Job Fair
RichmondWORKS has scheduled a job fair for June 26, 2007 from 9:30 to 12:00 noon at the RichmondWORKS One Stop Career Center on 330 25th Street, where residents can bring their resumes and participate in on-site interviews. The following companies are confirmed for the job fair:
· Vertrazzo · Mechanics Bank · Richmond Sanitary · Auto Warehouse · UPS · Home Depot · Brinks · Michaels Transportation · Securitas · Brookside Clinic · Kelly Services
7. “It Takes a Village That Learns, Knows, Connects” Community Fair
Lashonda Wilson, Management Analyst in the City Manager’s office, and Ana Cortez of the Richmond Redevelopment Agency, have been working to organize a Community Fair to connect and coordinate with Richmond non-profits. In particular, the Richmond Community Redevelopment Agency and the City Manager’s Office have sent out over 300 notices inviting nonprofit organizations and community members to attend the City’s first “It Takes a Village That Learns, Knows, Connects” Community Fair at Richmond City Hall on Thursday, July 19, 2007, from 12:00pm to 5:00pm. The goal of this event is three-fold:
(1) Educate Richmond residents about services and resources available through community based organizations (CBOs), (2) Support CBOs in their efforts to provide services to Richmond residents, and (3) Encourage communication, sharing of information and collaboration between organizations.
Local community based organizations can sign up for any of the following events at this Community Fair:
· Fund Development Workshop (Consultant Debra Donaldson will talk about grant writing, donor development, marketing, sustainability and more) 12:00pm – 3:00pm City Council Chambers
· Community Fair 2:00pm – 5:00pm City Hall Parking Lot (by Council Chambers)
· Funders’ Panel (Invitees include the San Francisco Foundation, the East Bay Community Foundation, the Stuart Foundation and the United Way) 3:00pm – 4:00pm City Council Chambers
8. Demolition of 2801 Cutting Boulevard
The demolition of the abandoned residential structure and garage at 2801 Cutting Boulevard was completed on Thursday. This was a combined effort by Thomas Min of the City Attorney’s office, who obtained a court order to have the building demolished, and the Redevelopment Agency contracting for the hazardous material abatement and ultimately building demolition. The site is now vacant and graded.
9. Status Report on 12th and Macdonald Redevelopment Project
Hazardous material remediation has been completed on three commercial structures for the 12th and Macdonald Mixed-Use Development. The KFC, Goodwill Building, and Gloryland Church are now ready for demolition, which is scheduled to be completed by the end of July. The demolition of the Richmond Enterprise Center is scheduled for completion this fall. The first phase of this 237 unit condominium over retail project should be complete in about two years.
10. Status Report on Macdonald Avenue and North Richmond Streetscape Projects
Punch lists have been completed for the East Macdonald Street Improvement Project, adjacent to the Macdonald-80 Target Store site, and the North Richmond Street Improvement Project, predominantly on Filbert Street. Totally new streetscapes, including street furniture and trees were included in these Redevelopment Agency projects.
11. Tour of Newly Remodeled Community Centers
Finance Director Jim Goins, Vrenesia Teal (Budget Analyst for Capital Project), Keith Jabari (Program Manager for Recreation) and Al Shanklin (Stationary Engineer Supervisor) coordinated site tours of the five newly renovated Community Centers on Friday, June 22nd. The tour began at the Recreation Complex followed by tours of the community centers at Nevin, Shields-Reid, Parchester, and Booker T. Anderson. The Mayor, Vice-Mayor, City staff and members of the community were in attendance. The community centers underwent improvements to the basketball courts, roofs, computer centers, and received fresh interior and exterior paint. We are now planning to work aggressively to expand programs at these community centers.
12. More Recreation News
The following are some additional highlights from the Recreation Division:
· The recruitments for Community Services Program Manager and Recreation Supervisor positions have been completed. Of note, Jerry Anderson has been appointed to a Community Services Program Manager position.
· The Recreation Division is collaborating with the Finance Department, Richmond Improvement Association and Athletes United for Peace to conduct Community Peace, Recreation and Sports Jamboree scheduled for June 30, 2007 at BTA Community Center.
· The Richmond Swim Center is collaborating with the Bill Woolsey Swim School to expand swim programs.
· The Recreation Division conducted a summer field trip to the San Francisco Exploratorium with 85 participants.
· The Recreation Division is collaborating with YMCA and Little League National Baseball program to this bring this activity to Richmond.
· The Recreation Division is collaborating with Jr. Giants and PAL to conduct dental screening of all Jr. Giants participants on July 28, 2007 at the Richmond Recreation Complex.
· The Recreation Division currently has approximately 550 registered program participants exclusive of the aquatics programs. As previously noted, we will work to expand this level of participation.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Have a great week!
Bill Lindsay City Manager City of Richmond 1401 Marina Way South Richmond, CA 94804
Phone: 510-620-6512 Fax: 510-620-6542 e-mail: bill_lindsay@ci.richmond.ca.us |