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Ferries in Richmond? Attend the Water
Authority Stakeholders Meeting: July 12th, 10am-12pm June 22, 2007 |
Please join the San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority at a third group stakeholders meeting regarding development of a ferry terminal on the Ford Peninsula. The meeting will take place on Thursday, July 12th at Dicon Fiberoptics.
We need your continued engagement regarding the future of the Ford Peninsula. This session will provide an opportunity to discuss the preferred development concept and to identify specific aspects of the Plan that are ready to move forward and those that require further refinement.
Meeting Details:
WTA/Richmond Ferry Terminal Stakeholders meeting Thursday, July 12th, 10am-12pm Auditorium, Dicon Fiberoptics 1689 Regatta Blvd Richmond
At the second stakeholders meeting held on September 7th, 2006, the WTA and its consultant team presented three alternative development concepts for the Ford Peninsula that included a ferry terminal and associated transit-oriented development. Since then, we have been working to develop a single preferred alternative that we have been refining in light of comments that we have received from you.
The purpose of this third meeting is to present our preferred alternative to you, explain how it responds to the various issues and concerns that you have raised, and to get additional feedback from you. Following this stakeholders meeting, we plan to present our preferred development concept at a Richmond City Council study session to which the City of Richmond Planning Commission will be invited. The City will then consider adoption of the Plan as a part of the Richmond General Plan Update. A draft General Plan is scheduled to be completed in fall 2007 and approved by the City Council in January 2008.
Please respond regarding your attendance by Monday, July 2nd.
Thank you,