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Your Chance to Help Out Two of the
Viramontes Five June 7, 2007 |
I appreciate your willingness to discuss this.
I think part of the problem. However, is characterizing my advocacy as attacks, tantrums and name calling. All I said is that you are wrong and that your politics are not in the best interest of the City. That’s my job. At the end of the day, the way the City Council votes is what is important, not how it got there. It’s also my job to help people understand what the City Council is up to.
What we have here, in my opinion, is the formation of two parties on the City Council. Not in the traditional sense, of course, as Democrats and Republicans, but in a local sense. We have the Viramontes Party that supports developers, industry, public safety unions and the ill-conceived initiatives of some egotistical and arrogant City staff members, and then we have the McLaughlin Party that supports, for example, community, neighborhoods, public participation and local solutions to global warming.
Now, parties aren’t a bad thing. They help people focus on issues and the way elected officials deal with them. Debate, passion and advocacy, don’t constitute attacks. When Democrats and Republicans go at it about Iraq, immigration reform and abortion, this is political debate, but the results will change the lives forever of many people. When Pelosi said Bush had a “tin ear,” was that elitist? Was she out of line for saying that Bush ignored the facts? Maybe our local issues don’t have the same level of life and death consequences, but they are still important. I feel the same way about the Viramontes Five that Pelosi feels about Bush and the Republicans. I feel like you all have been given a set of compelling facts and evidence on more than one issue but that you simply ignored them in favor of your personal beliefs and perhaps the influence of the special interests that support your political campaigns. Does this rile you up? I wouldn’t be surprised, but I believe there is some truth there that has to be confronted.
I’ve been at this City Council game almost as long as you, and I believe I have learned that where there is smoke there is fire. I know a hidden agenda when I see one. There is something going on here, and I don’t like it.
I’m on the City Council for only one reason, to make Richmond a better place. I will do anything that I can to make that happen, so long as it is legal. The day I pull a punch in favor of decorum is the day I’ll stop doing politics because I will no longer be doing my job.
You and I probably have more similar votes on issues over the years as any two Council members. I hope we can find a way to rekindle that.
johnemarquez@aol.com [mailto:johnemarquez@aol.com]
I agree with you that
we have a serious problem of divisions within the Council. However, it
will never get better as long as you continue to publicly attack members
simply because they don't agree with you. In my humble
opinion, it makes you look like an elitist who thinks you're smarter
than the rest of us. To say that decisions made by the majority are
against the best interest of the people of Richmond, are truly your
opinion. Likewise, your statement about the persons who don't
support the direction the "five" of us are trying to take the City. Most
persons that say that to you probably enjoy your idiosyncrasies.
However, many, many people that don't talk with you,
don't agree with your ideas. So, let's talk and see if
we can find a "happy medium" without calling each other names. You see,
I get just as annoyed with your statements sometimes as you get with my
votes, but I don't throw tantrums. Perhaps we can agree to disagree
without publicly attacking each other. John,
We have a serious problem here. This is the worst and most blatant schism of the City Council since I have been on it. I don’t know what you all are trying to prove, but in my opinion it is against the best interests of the people of Richmond. I have yet to find a single person who supports the direction that the five of you are trying to take this City.
I hope we can find a way out before it sinks the boat and we all go down with it.
johnemarquez@aol.com [mailto:johnemarquez@aol.com]
Now you are truly showing your blatant cynicism.
Get a twofer! Show your support for good government and the Viramontes Five by
investing in the campaigns of 40% of the group for between only $100 and $2,000
this summer. Details follow:
Or, save your money and tell them what you think about the representation they
are providing by clicking on "Reply to all" and send your message.
June 2, 2007
To: The all of my friends, citizens of Richmond and Contra Costa County
From: Bob Campbell, Assemblyman, retired
Re: Up coming event for Richmond City Councilman
Harpreet Sandhu, (see the attached invite)
I would like to invite you to come to a fundraising event for a long time
friend of mine, Harpreet Sandhu who was appointed to the Richmond City Council
only a few months ago. When I first met Harpreet some 20 plus years ago I knew
he had the special combination of humility, intellect, compassion and integrity
that is missing in so many human beings these days. A person, though kind and
thoughtful, has demonstrated that he has the toughness of his convictions and
yet has the ability to work with others in collaboration; ultimately what those
elected to public office are supposed to do.
I have no illusions that the 2008 Richmond City Council Campaign will be an easy
one, it will be a big challenge for Harpreet to win, but I believe the citizens
of the City of Richmond are fair minded, tolerant of those that are different
than them and want the best persons to represent them; in the end we can only
hope that he will be judged by his works and not by who and what we think he is.
Thank you for your kind consideration of this request
P.S. If you would be so kind, I would appreciate it if you could send this
note and the attached invitation to those on your e-mail list.
Monday, July 9, 2007
5:30 -7:30 pm @
M. A. Hays Co. Inc.
Richmond, Ca. 94804
RSVP: 236-5823
Contributions: Per person: $50.00 Friend: $100.00
Sponsor: $250.00 Host: $500.00
I want to make history: $1,000.00
Name: __________________________Company/Group:___________________
Address: ____________________________________Number coming:________
Occupation: (law required)____________________Work
Home Phone: ________________Email:________________________________
I endorse Harpreet Sandhu for Richmond City Council. If yes, please
Take sign: ______Volunteer:____________ Enclosed Contribution:
Sorry, I can't come but here is my contribution: $_____________
Mail to: the Many Friends of Harpreet Sandhu, P.O. Box 455, Station
A, Richmond CA.. 94808 Attention, Stacy Owens, Treasurer ID# 1298457
Donated labor
Maria T. Viramontes
For Richmond City Council
End Maria's Campaign Debt Event
Monday, June 25, 2007
5-7 pm @
C H E V Y ' S
3101 Garrity Way
RICHMOND, Hilltop neighborhood
RSVP: 236-5977
Contributions: Per person: $50.00 Friend $50.00 now &
$50.00 pledge
Sponsor: $250.00 Host: $500.00
You love my work $1,000.00 Plus
Name: __________________________Company/Group:___________________
Address: ____________________________________Number coming:________
Occupation: (law required)____________________Work
Home Phone: ________________Email:________________________________
Endorse MTV for election if yes, please sign:____________________________
Enclosed Contribution: $_______
Sorry, can't come but here is my contribution: $_____________
Mail: Friends of Maria T. Viramontes, P.O. Box 266, Station A,
CA.. 94808 Attention: Stacy Owens, Treasurer ID#
Donated labor