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511 Contra Costa Doubles BART and Bus
Incentives During the MacArthur Maze Meltdown May 1, 2007 |
For Immediate Release Contact: Lynn Osborn (925) 407-0353 lynn@511contracosta.org
511 Contra Costa Doubles the Public Transit Incentives for Contra Costa Commuters during the month of May to assist commuters affected by the closure of the MacArthur Maze. (Walnut Creek, May 1, 2007) – Commuters who drive alone to work are being encouraged to use public transit to access BART instead of driving, as parking in BART lots is limited and BART expects higher ridership than usual. Drive-alone commuters who use BART instead of driving alone to work can receive a free $100 BART pass. Access the BART station via public transit and receive a free $100 BART pass plus two weeks’ worth of bus passes. Parking at BART is limited. Other access options include: · Bike to BART, get dropped off, or carpool to the station. Commuters traveling on Interstate 80 can: · Ride the WestCAT Lynx Express bus to San Francisco and receive a month’s worth of free passes. · Ride the AC Transit Transbay Bus and receive a free a monthly pass. · Ride the Capitol Corridor train and receive a free monthly pass. Commuters can sign up to receive a free pass on line at www.511contracosta.org/transit.html or call (925) 407-0355. 511 Contra Costa is a public agency that helps commuters find alternatives to driving alone and assists local businesses in developing commute-friendly work environments. This program is funded by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Transportation Fund for Clean Air, as well as the ½ cent sales tax approved by voters in Contra Costa County in 1988. |