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Container Port Proposal Draws Comments from
BCDC and Project Proponents March 7, 2007 |
Following the E-FORUM Newest Container Port Proposal Fully Launched, March 1, 2007, I received the following:
From a credible source at BCDC:
I talked with Bill Lindsay who told me that this proposal was made without consulting with the city or its port director. The city has not endorsed it. At my suggestion, Bill will ask Brian Grunwald to get in contact with us to get our direct assessment that it is highly unlikely the proposal would ever be approved by BCDC. Were we to agree with his assessment that more space is needed for container throughput, under law we would be obligated to reserve additional existing land area to accommodate the need rather than approve fill in the Bay. Moreover, most of the information the proponents advanced about the Port of Oakland are factually incorrect.
From Cathie Kosel of Richmond Port Renaissance:
Dear Tom: You did a remarkable job of relating a number of the issues involved in building a high performance, green operating 21st century container port in Richmond. Thanks so much for providing this forum. We indicated to you that we will relish a vigorous debate regarding this issue. The citizens of Richmond deserve nothing less. We would like to correct a couple of the statements in your eforum, however. We are not advocating that the City purchase any one’s land or that any business be retired. In fact, we believe strongly that a partnership of all the existing property owners, tenants and the city itself will greatly reward all the parties. None of the existing businesses should lose virtually any days of productive business activities. In fact with phased construction, small craft operations will be relocated closer to open water, pipe lines and conveyer belts can be extended and improved to support the current operations of other terminals without the cost of shore protection and dredging of the Santa Fe Channel. We hope to meet with all the owners and businesses with the goal of determining how this enormous project can create value, benefits and efficiency for each of them. Capping the toxic Santa Fe Channel will be an environmentally responsible thing to do, however, it also our plan to identify more than 100 acres of wetlands in the same ecological area to mitigate the biological impact. We also think that by greening the port we can improve the regional air quality, produce high paying family sustaining jobs and create a substantial new economic engine for the City of Richmond. Thanks for helping us begin the conversation. Sincerely, Cathie Kosel, Bryan Grunwald, Larry Henry, Richmond Port Renaissance.
Cathie The Kosel Company 510.526-3986 office 510.918-7575 mobile 510.526-4150 fax
From an E-FORUM subscriber:
I'm not sure if anyone but me watched the segment on the KQED Newshour Friday about pollution at container ports, but it clinched the argument against putting a new container port in Richmond, as far as I am concerned at least :-) The container ports generate an enormous amount of pollution, more than the entire amount of pollution generated by cars in the area covered (I think it was Long Beach or Los Angeles), due to dirty ship/train/truck engines and such used in the port operations. They are proposing to spend $2 billion to clean up that pollution, but are having trouble coming up with the money (and $2 billion makes the $25 million in income Richmond would receive in the best case "Rosy Scenario" look like a drop in the bucket. $2 billion would be 80 years income at the $25 million rate; another way of looking at it is that at 10% interest we would need $200 million each year just to pay the interest on a $2 billion loan, and that's just what's needed to clean up the mess. Why create the mess in the first place?)
There was an article in the LA Times (text below) that covered some of the same territory --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Train, ship soot to be cut 90% by 2030 The EPA proposes tougher regulations on nitrogen oxide and fine particulate matter, but the AQMD is critical of the long phase-in.
By Janet Wilson,
Times Staff Writer
The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency on Friday unveiled proposals to
slash diesel soot from freight trains and marine vessels by 90% by
2030, winning guarded praise from environmentalists, but a scathing
rebuke from Southern California's top air quality regulator. janet.wilson@latimes.com
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the California Progress Report:
Huge Container Ships--One of the Most Poorly Regulated Air Pollution Sources in California
For years, the Coalition for Clean Air (CCA) has focused on addressing this ship pollution and advocating for aggressive action to clean the air. CCA recently had the opportunity to discuss the health impacts of ship emissions and how these emissions should be reduced at a Feb. 7-9 conference on international marine issues in San Diego.
The conference was attended by more than 250 shipping company executives, port officials, regulatory agency representatives, engine manufacturers and retailers from around the world. Sponsored in part by the US EPA, the event was organized to encourage dialogue among participants about new technological strategies to meet clean air goals.Containerships are more than three football fields in length, and they run on arguably the dirtiest fuel in the world. These ships spew toxic diesel particulates and smog-forming pollution while navigating California's coastal waters and while docked for days at a time.The health impacts from these ships are staggering.
The California Air Resources Board recently estimated that big ships are responsible for up to one premature death per day in our state and are the primary source of elevated cancer risk to neighboring communities. With trade volumes expected to triple by 2025, the pollution contribution from ships is only expected to get worse.As one of two environmental representatives asked to present during the three-day conference, I discussed the Coalition for Clean Air's vision for addressing the local and global challenges presented by marine pollution. I emphasized recent studies further demonstrating the health effects from diesel particulates and smog-forming emissions. Additionally, I highlighted what can and should be done to address this pollution source including timelines for adopting cleaner, cost effective technologies.
As an example, technology such as plugging in a ship to dockside power to run its engines on electricity has been demonstrated successfully on large ships and can virtually eliminate pollution while a ship is at berth. Also, cleaner fuels with significantly lower sulfur content in ship engines are one of the simplest ways to address ship pollution and can be done today. CCA's past work has helped draw attention to the marine issue. A few years ago, CCA joined the NRDC and local homeowner groups in a successful lawsuit against the Port of Los Angeles which resulted in the first containerships in the world plugging into dockside power.
CCA also helped convince the California Air Resources Board to adopt a regulation to require cleaner fuels in the smaller, auxiliary engines on ships. This regulation went into effect last month and is expected to prevent over 500 premature deaths in California. CCA continues to advocate at the local and state level to secure further regulation of large ships and to create a dedicated funding stream to improve air quality by establishing a fee on every container that comes through California's ports. (SB 974, the Port Investment Bill by state Sen. Alan Lowenthal)Notably, one clear message was agreed upon at the San Diego conference: All parties said that urgent steps need to be taken now to improve air quality.
Tom Plenys is Research and Policy Manager for the Coalition for Clean Air. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a B.S. and M.S. from Stanford University in industrial engineering with a concentration in environmental engineering and economics. |