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  Library and Budget Update
October 29, 2005



In the context of Measure Q (November 2005 ballot) sales tax debates, several people have asked why they should support additional sales tax if the proceeds from the Measure Q of 2004 haven’t yet been utilized to restore hours at the Main Library.


It turns out that starting and stopping government is like turning around an ocean liner. It can’t be done quickly. And apparently, public employee unions work on the same principle.


Here is the official explanation:


The staff we are calling back are part-time.  Many of them have already taken new jobs, but each staff member called back had two weeks to get back to Human Resources about whether they wanted to return or not.  Because of some seniority issues and some bumping rights issues, we have been clarifying who exactly can come back before we can conduct a recruitment for new staff (we are near the end of the lists).  We underestimated how much time this takes, and we are working with Human Resources and Finance to speed the process up as much as possible.  We want to be sure we have the best possible staff, with additional training and preparation.  The hours at the Main Library will be up to 36/week by December, and will be up to 42/week by Feb/Mar.  In the first expansion, there will be two mornings added (Wednesday and Saturday), and few additional hours on other days.


Reopening the branches hinges upon the mid-year review of the Measure Q revenues.  The library is to receive the next piece of Measure Q, if available, to open those buildings 15 hours/week.


Also, I have attached a revised and simplified format for the one-page FY 2005-2006 budget summary previously provided. The only change is that I have rolled the Measure Q expenditures into a single line item for Police, Fire, Recreation and Library instead of separating them out as was done in the City version of the budget.


The General Fund budget is only the tip of the iceberg of City operations. It represents slightly more than one-third of the total $316,678,919 revenue and expenditures, as shown below. These other fund centers are not part of the General fund because they typically have outside sources of revenue and restricted expenditures. Some are City services that are paid for directly by users as fees.


General Fund


Development Services (cost recovered Planning and Building Regulation reviews and inspections)


Special Revenue (Grants, Library fines and revenue from benefit assessment districts where City employees provide services)


Internal Service Funds (Information Technology, Risk Management, CAD/RMS/800 MHz, equipment services & replacement


Enterprise Funds (KCRT Cable TV, Convention Center, wastewater/Sewer, Port and Paratransit)


Debt Service Funds


Capital Improvement Admin.


Redevelopment Agency (funded from property tax increment)


Housing Authority (funded by HUD and revenue from operations)


