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  Be a Part of History; Contribute to the Big Move!
June 11, 2005

Rosie the Riveter Trust is seeking donations of approximately $18,000 to pay for materials needed to construct a foundation required for moving the 200-ton historic whirly crane from Levin Richmond Terminal to Shipyard 3. The foundation expense is part of a $150,000 moving cost, for which donations have already been secured except for the final $18,000.

The single whirley crane remaining in Richmond form the Kaiser Shipyard days of World War II is a magnificent reminder of the conflux of industrial might that once built 749 ships and set an all-time record for speed in shipbuilding.

A full description of the move and the donations required is in the attached PDF file. If you would like a 250-page history of the Richmond Shipyards, let me know and I will send you the entire file (877 KB).


Opportunity_ to_contribute_with_plans.pdf