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City Council Comes Through
During National Preservation Month May 19, 2005 |
The Richmond City Council confirmed its dedication to preserving Richmond’s cultural resources during National Preservation Month (May) and Richmond’s Centennial Year by unanimously adopting two important measures. The first is an amendment to Richmond’s Historic Structures Code that will reorganize and reinvigorate the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee. The second is a resolution that enables the City to enter into Mills Act contracts with owners of historic properties to provide property tax reductions. Comprehensive information on both programs is in the attached PDF files. Applicants are being sought for the new seven-member Historic Preservation Advisory Committee, the qualifications for which are: Members shall have documented experience, education and/or commitment related to historic preservation, be nominated by the Mayor and approved by the Council. The term of each member and alternate shall be four years, with the initial appointments randomly staggered so that four members have a four-year term and three members have a two-year term. Board members shall include two representatives from the community at-large and five representatives from the following associations, commissions, boards, committees, and community organizations. Members shall have demonstrated an interest and pertinent experience in historic preservation issues, and ideally includes at least one architect, landscape architect and general building contractor; (1) Richmond Museum Association; (2) Point Richmond History Association; (3) Richmond Planning Commission; (4) Design Review Board; (5) Rosie the Riveter Trust; (6) Richmond Arts and Cultural Commission; (7) Contra Costa County Historical Society; (8) Richmond Chamber of Commerce; (9) American Institute of Architects (10) Society of Architectural Historians Application forms may be obtained from the City Clerk or downloaded from: http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/cityclerk/Commissions/BOARD%20OR%20COMMISSION%20APPLICATION%20FORM.pdf. Applications should be turned in to the City Clerk. If you want a detailed and comprehensive description of cultural resource preservation in Richmond, email me and I will send you a large PDF file. Update and Reorganization of the Richmond Historic Preservation Advisory Committee Tom Butt, Richmond City Council Member The Historic Structures Code, Chapter 6.06, was adopted by the City Council on November 23, 1999, as Ordinance 60-99. It has been amended twice. The first amendment was Ordinance 10-00 on April 4, 2000, which expanded the number of at-large members from one to two. The second amendment was Ordinance 10-01 April 10, 2001, which set the terms of officers and meeting attendance requirements. The Historic Structures Code emerged in 1999 as a convergence of two important policy initiatives by the City of Richmond.
When the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (HPAC) was organized in 2000, the City Manager assigned Library Director Joe Green to provide staffing for two reasons:
Later, the City Council authorized a contract with Nancy Stoltz to provide historic preservation consultation. Working with Stoltz, Joe Green effectively staffed the (HPAC) until the spring of 2003, when he left for Kansas City and Nancy Stoltz’ contract expired. The last meeting of the HPAC was February 24, 2003. After Joe Green left, it was thought that Planning would be the logical department to inherit the staffing responsibility for the HPAC, but that interest did not develop. The current members of the HPAC were appointed September 19, 2000, and their terms technically expired on September 19, 2002. In the existing ordinance, members are to be appointed from specified organizations. There are at least four unfilled vacancies, and one of the organizations no longer exists. Unfortunately, the HPAC has become dormant due to no staff support, not enough holdover members to constitute a quorum and no new appointments. In order to revive the HPAC, The implementing ordinance was changed on May 17 to accomplish several objectives:
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