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  Chronicle Watch Targets Richmond's Neglect of Rosie the Riveter Memorial
January 23, 2005


Working for a better Bay Area

- Suzanne Pullen
Sunday, January 23, 2005

What's not working

Garden missing at Richmond memorial: Tipster Tim Boorda is proud of his city's memorial to Rosie the Riveter, but he wants to know why part of it has been neglected for so long. The monument, one of the first to honor the women's workforce in the United States during World War II, is located in the Richmond Marina. Dedicated in 2000, it consists of a walking path bordered by metal sculptural elements representing the hull of a ship being built. Sections of the path are flanked by cemented areas for flower beds. Boorda said that shortly after the dedication, flowers in one of the beds died, and they've never been replaced. "Even the wild sea grass that's in the other flower bed would be better than bare dirt," said the Richmond Marina resident. Status: We contacted Richmond public services Director Rich McCoy, who told us his agency recently took over maintenance of the grounds from a contractor. He said the original flowers were unable to thrive in the monument's concrete beds, but told us that his agency will identify and purchase more suitable plants. Marina Assessment District homeowners pay for maintenance of Marina Bay Park, so funds are available to get the work done.

Who's responsible: Rich McCoy, Richmond's assistant manager for public services, (510) 620-6538; rich_mccoy@ci.richmond.ca.us

n      Suzanne Pullen