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  Coastal Cleanup Tomorrow
September 17, 2004

The annual California Coastal Clean-Up day is always a fun, rewarding community event.  It is amazing how much a large group of people working together can do to clean up litter along the Bay Trail.  Many hands do make light work.

The event will take place Saturday, Sept. 18 from 8:30 AM to noon at the following sites in Richmond:

Marina Bay: 8:30am – Noon. Meet at Shimada Friendship Park in Richmond (At the end of Marina Bay Parkway on the Bay) Free BBQ at Noon. Sign in: Shimada Park at 8:30 a.m. Wear: Old clothes, sturdy shoes, work gloves. For more information, Contact: Kate Rauch at Office of Supervisor John Gioia at (510) 374-3231. See attached flyer

Point Pinole Regional Shoreline: see http://www.ebparks.org/resources/pdf/coastcleanup/point_pinole.pdf

Isabel Regional Shoreline: see http://www.ebparks.org/resources/pdf/coastcleanup/point_isabel.pdf

Bay Regional Park District, which sponsors the Point Pinole and Point Isabel sites, asks for pre-registration at http://www.ebparks.org/volunter/coastcleanup/coast1.htm

old clothes, sturdy shoes and work gloves.  Litter bags will be provided.

Please forward this email to your friends and neighbors.  Have Fun!