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Legislature has Final Say Over
Compacts August 17, 2004 |
Despite speculation that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has cut a deal that would cut Richmond out of lucrative casino action, the California legislature has final authority to sustain or reject a compact. See http://www.sacbee.com/content/politics/story/10407423p-11327123c.html.
Substantial effort is now being made to impress legislative leaders with the critical economic needs of Richmond and the prospects of the stunning Point Molate site to bring substantial revenue to the state through a compact, and there is an indication of a level of sympathy that may be able to turn the tide.
This continues to be a battle of giants with organized labor supporting the Point Molate project and ChevronTexaco opposing it, publicly allied with the East Bay egional parks District and several environmental organizations and possibly allied with Nevada gambling interests and California card rooms. Full page ads both opposing and supporting the project appeared in local newspapers over the weekend.
As controversial as the Point Molate casino proposal is, one would hope that it would survive or fall, not on the whims of the California governor, but on the wishes of the residents of Richmond. |