The third in a series of
four Point Richmond Summer Concerts was a rousing success last Friday
night with several hundred in attendance to applaud the
Featuring El Cerrito High Jazz Ensemble and
Doni Harvey.
http://www.pointrichmond.com/prmusic/prmusicpicssep.htm for some
great photos courtesy Ellen Gailing.
October 11, 5:00 pm to 7:30
pm The Point Richmond Summer Concert Series presents Hot Fridays
featuring Faye Carol & John Turk and the R.L. Johnson Male Chorus from
St. John Missionary Baptist Church in a free concert at Baltic Square
(behind Starbuck's). See
http://www.thebaltic.org/thebaltic/ to find out who is playing at
The Baltic Restaurant in Point Richmond on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday nights. This Thursday, September 19, 2002, is a special
dinner presentation of
Eliza Gilkyson.
Finally, for outdoor
concert lovers, there is the Plaza Park Block Group’s Third Annual
Concert in the Park in Abraham Braxton Neighborhood Park on Park Plaza
Circle, September 22, 2002, 3:00 PM to 6:0 PM, featuring renowned
Blues Man Fillmore “Guitar” Slim. The event is a benefit for the
Laurel Park Scholarship Fund, admission $7.50 per person. For
information, email Myrtle Braxton-Ellington at
mbraxtonl@aol.com or phone Carl Hancock at
(510) 234-3537.