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Public Hearing on Chevron/Texaco Oil Refinery Operating Permit
July 20, 2002
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District invites members of the Richmond community to a Title V Public Hearing regarding the Chevron/Texaco Oil Refinery in Richmond. The purpose of the hearing is to receive public comment from Richmond residents regarding the refinery’s application for a Title V operating permit, which requires under the federal Clean Air Act that the nation’s largest industrial facilities periodically renew or apply for operating permits. The permit process lays out the air pollution control requirements and ensures compliance. Public participation is an important part of the Title V process, and all public comments will be considered before a permit will be issued.

The hearing will be held Monday, July 29, 2002, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Richmond City Council Chambers, 2600 Barrett Avenue, Richmond, CA. Air District staff will be available to meet the public from 6:30 to 7:00 PM.

Those who cannot attend are encouraged to submit written comments to Brenda Cabral, BAAQMD, 939 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA 94109, or by email to bccabral@baaqmd.gov.
Helpful documents on the BAAQCD website include:

• 6/27/02 O (Notice of Hearing)
• Engineering Evaluation
• Compliance Record
• Proposed Permit

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District) has made a preliminary decision to grant a Title V permit to the Chevron Products Company for its oil refinery, located at 841 Chevron Way in Richmond. The Chevron refinery processes crude oil into refined petroleum products that include gasoline and fuel oils. The 60-day public comment period will end on August 28, 2002. During this time, any member of the public may comment on any aspect of the proposed permits. Copies of the
proposed permits can be found:

1) On the Air District web site at www.baaqmd.gov (follow the Title V links),
2) In the Richmond Public Library, 135 Washington Avenue in Richmond and
3) At the Air District, 939 Ellis Street, San Francisco. For an appointment call May
Leung at (415) 749-4729.
4) For a hard copy of the permits, call the Public Information Office at (415) 749-
4900 or write to: BAAQMD, Attn: Title V Permit Request, 939 Ellis Street, San
Francisco, CA 94109.