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CBE Takes First Step Toward Litigating the Chevron LPG Spheres Project
July 13, 2002
On July 2, 2002, Citizens for a Better Environment (CBE) filed a “Notice of Intent to File CEQA Petition” with the City of Richmond, putting the City on notice that it intends to file a petition the Contra Costa County Superior Court challenging the City’s issuance of a Negative Declaration and subsequent approval of the Chevron LPG Spheres project.

The petition to be filed with the court seeks a writ of mandate stating that the City of Richmond’s issuance of a Negative Declaration was an abuse of discretion under CEQA, directing the City’s Planning Commission to rescind its approval of the project, and directing Chevron to take no action on the project.

The Chevron Spheres project is just one in a long line of projects over the years where the City of Richmond Planning Department has abused its discretion under CEQA in order to help powerful business interests to avoid the scrutiny of an EIR for projects in Richmond.

The LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) Spheres project is particularly egregious because it adds a substantial risk to the residents of Richmond and because Chevron refused to take any steps to reduce either the risk imposed by the LPG project or reduce other similar risks as a mitigation. Chevron has a history of nearly a hundred years getting whatever it needs from the City of Richmond regardless of the consequences to Richmond residents.