E-Mail Forum
Kickoff Meeting For Long Awaited Civic Center Master Plan
November 16, 2001
Following is an email and attached file containing the October 28 meeting Minutes for the kickoff meeting for the Richmond Civic Center Master Plan. The prime consultant, Ai Architects, will initially collect and analyze information regarding the space and functional needs of City government. They will then look at potential alternate sites to determine if the Civic Center should remain in its present location or go somewhere else. If the Civic Center remains where it is, Ai will complete a master plan of the entire surrounding area.

From: Curtis, Sally [mailto:SCurtis@aiarchitecture.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 4:54 PM
To: Walter S. Cohen (E-mail); Barbara Maloney (E-mail); Jennifer Ott (E-mail); Mayes, Kenneth; Richard Berkson (E-mail); Davidson, Rich; Janet Johnson (E-mail); Michael Smiley (E-mail); Richard Mitchell (E-mail); Butt, Thomas; Clement, Fred; Williams, Allison; Louie, Wendy; Curtis, Sally
Cc: McCoy, Rich; Vega, Anna; Jacobson, Martin; Chang, Yung; Meadows, Rusty; Wood, James
Subject: Richmond Civic Center - Meeting Minutes 11/09/01

Please find attached meeting minutes from the November 9, 2001 StrategicTeam Meeting for the Richmond Civic Center Mater Plan and Facilities Assessment Project.

The following meeting minutes represent the author's current understanding of the discussions and the direction for future action by the attendees. If these meeting minutes do not accurately reflect other parties understanding of the conversations held, please respond directly to Ai within five days of receipt, by facsimile, with your comments to (415) 955-1915.

Meeting Minutes (pdf format)