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Shawn Jones Vigil June 25, 2001 |
RICHMOND COMMUNITIES TO JOIN CANDLELIGHT VIGIL FOR BOY MAULED BY DOGS City’s Crime Prevention Program Invites Public To Support Vigil and Blood Drive for Shawn Jones The City of Richmond’s Crime Prevention Program will hold a public candlelight vigil and blood drive in support of 10-year-old Shawn Jones on Wednesday, June 27, 2001 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at City Hall Civic Center Plaza, 2600 Barrett Avenue. The Richmond boy remains hospitalized after he was attacked by three pit bulls last Monday. Organizers say they want the vigil and blood drive to represent a multi-cultural show of concern and support for the boy and his family as he recovers from the tragic ordeal. The community is invited to participate in a blood drive sponsored by the Red Cross from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The candlelight vigil will be held from 8:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Supporters may contribute to the Shawn Jones Victims Fund at any branch of the Mechanics Bank, under account number 139020128. For more information, please contact Angela Jones, Public Information Officer, (510) 621-1230, Raymond Lambert, City of Richmond Neighborhood Services, at (510) 620-6783, or Naomi Williams, City of Richmond Crime Prevention Program at (510) 235-8131.