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In Memoriam - Lore Hogan Barnette
June 1, 2001

Lore Hogan Barnett and her husband, John Barnett, served as Keepers of East Brother Light Station for some five years in the early to mid 1990’s, longer than any other keepers since the island opened to the public in 1980. Lore died on May 31, 2001, after a long fight with cancer.

Lore was a talented professional photographer and provided many of the photos used by East Brother Light Station to publicize the island and its visitor programs. She was a skilled sea kayaker, and she and John enjoyed sea kayaking up and down the Pacific Coast. She inspired many people over the last few years in the way she coped with her illness. We will miss her greatly.

This photograph of Lore and John taking dinner upstairs to guests in the dining room at East Brother appeared in “Islands” magazine in 1993. 

For information about East Brother, see www.ebls.org.